Experience Romania is the largest project promoting Romania tourism in social media that has ever been done.
We have invited 50 top bloggers, vloggers, instagrammers, snapchatters and travel influencers around the world to experience Romania and connect with Romanians content creators and tourism professionals.

Comunicat de presă, Experience Romania
România intră în prim planul turismului mondial timp de două săptămâni
„Bulgaria are de 5 ori mai mulți turiști străini față de România. Există potențial să creștem cu 300% numărul de turiști în următorii ani”
București, 20 octombrie – Peste o sută treizeci de ziariști, bloggeri, tour operatori și influenceri din turismul internațional sosesc începând de astăzi în România.
România intră în prim planul turismului mondial timp de două săptămâni
Bulgaria are de 5 ori mai mulți turiști străini față de România. Există potențial să creștem cu 300% numărul de turiști în următorii ani
#ExperienceRomania: proiectul de voluntariat care promovează România mult peste hotare
10 Reasons why you should Visit the Whole Romania!

If someone asked you to list the most important reasons for loving Romania what would you say? It will be the seaside, the countryside, the food, the legends?.. I’ve been questioned recently about this by Raluca from #experienceRomania
Turismul în România poate crește cu 300%

15 reasons to visit Romania
When you hear about Romania you should have in mind the home of the most beautiful girls, nightlife and endless summer nights. But Romania is so much more.
Here are 15 reasons to visit Romania:
Why should you visit Romania?
5 reasons to visit Romania in case you need a reason to visit

Not many travellers venture to Romania. And I admit that until recently, I had struggled when friends and colleagues abroad wanted to know more about Romania. This is my home, I live here and spend my time looking forward to my next trips, hoping for adventures and unchartered territories. I am fully immersed in my life here, and that was enough;
National JCI conference 2017

On October 6th the Experience Romania team attended a conference on, ‘The sustainable development of tourism in Romania’, organised by JCI. There we were delighted to encounter public authorities, private business owners and many young people with which we shared a common goal, to show you the real beauty of Romania.